Tomato Alchemy

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Tomatoes possess magnificent and ancient alchemy. The product of sunshine, soil and water suspended in a sweet, acidic globe of juicy deliciousness. Biting into a summer tomato is to taste sunlight. 

It tickles me that as a kid, I didn’t like tomatoes. Those were probably hothouse grown, grocery store tomatoes. But once I tasted the homegrown tomatoes that my mother grew and put into a Bacon Lettuce and Tomato sandwich, it changed my life. 

I was young. Just tall enough to see over the kitchen table while standing. And that BLT, with tangy mayo and lightly toasted bread changed my opinion of tomatoes forever. I was struck with that uniquely childhood experience of WONDER as those flavors and textures of crisp cool lettuce, smoky, crispy bacon lent umami to the vine-ripened tomatoes from our garden --  juicy, sweet and acidic. At that time, I couldn’t discern what all was happening to my palate, but I knew it was delicious, and my sense of childlike wonder was ignited. This flavor combination was simply wonderful.

Over the years, I have been blessed to experience tomatoes fresh off of the vine; to watch them grow; and to harvest them and pop them right into my mouth while still warmed by the summer sun. This is the importance of Farm to School and Farm to ECE -- giving children the opportunity to grow, harvest and taste fresh fruits and vegetables. And to learn that very little (sometimes nothing) needs to be done to our food in order for us to enjoy it. There is nothing more perfect than the magic of vine-ripened tomato. And this is what we teach our children through growing, harvesting, and preparing their own vegetables and fruits. The alchemy of garden-fresh produce is enchanting and will evoke the magic of wonder in children for the duration of their lives.

— Chef Asata Reid, MS Ed.